Those characters you love to write

There are those characters you just can't help but love to write. They grow on their own, guiding your hand and sometimes driving you insane with changes midway through a story. Those characters are often the hardest to write, as they clamor for your utmost attention. Yet, it is these characters that are the most rewarding. Shelley is one of them.

As a character she makes me a better person, someone aware of their surroundings and the feelings of others. She isn't some mindless fuck machine but someone with feelings, anxieties, desires, hope, and yes, fear. It was she who made me pay more attention to the struggles that the transgender community faces and for that I can never spend enough time writing her stories. 

Her story is one that takes all sorts of twists and turns as she adventures through life, seeking new experiences and figuring out just exactly what she wants. This first book is an introduction to her and her long time friend, Matt who has no idea of her secret. It's a story of taking risks and dealing with what comes of those risks be they for good or for bad.

I hope you enjoy meeting Shelley and getting a taste of her world. As always, please feel free to leave comments as they help me to become a better author. 


Story Updates and Life

Just wanted to put up a little update. Life is still quite busy at the moment so for now my writing time is quite limited. Some days I can put out a few hundred words and some days I don't get any writing going. Still working and wanted to update my current projects: 1) Witches Brew. Dylan takes a last hike before the start of the fall semester. Along the way he runs into a mysterious, older brunette that leaves him wondering if he found someone that never quite left the Back to the Land movement. If only it were that simple...

This will be a novelette that is intended to go on sale at Smashwords in time for the Halloween season -crosses fingers-. It is currently sitting at about 4,500 words in length.

2) Hurricane Party. Scott is a former member of the Coast Guard, still adjusting to the civilian life. Instead of getting to enjoy a Halloween party he's having to bunker down for an incoming hurricane. He still might just get to have that party though...

This will be a novelette to be published in the Literotica Halloween story contest. It is currently at 1800 words.

3) Shelley's Not a She Chp. 5. Currently in the planning phase, I have a few ideas floating around and will most likely start putting words to electrons once I have the Smashwords book published.

Writing chapters

This month I've put up two chapters to stories on Lit, one was the fourth chapter in the Shelley's Not a She series and the other was the second chapter of the Ms. Pryde series. In the case of the latter it was a planned series while in the case of the former it was a one off series that's gone much longer than anticipated. One is meant to be more series while the other is being written more as a stroke lark. Being that these two contrast so much I thought I'd explain a little behind the thought process of the pair. 

Ms. Pryde's story is partially to serve the pregnancy fetish, which seems a little under served. Personally I find pregnant women to be quite gorgeous, What it is specifically, I'm not sure, but they are. I recall reading some years ago that there was a Playboy photographer who preferred to work with women in the early stages of pregnancy. This series is meant to be simple snapshots in time as Alexis Pryde builds up her business, from start to up and fully running. Chapters are meant to be a little shorter, more like updates as time progresses on. 

In comparison Shelley's story is one about a young MtF transgender as she finds her first lover as a transgender and searches for acceptance. Though, I am trying to include more sex in the chapters, as it was pointed out they needed. I approach each chapter in this series as it's own individual story, generally over a weekend period of time. For me, Shelley is actually one of the harder characters that I write and I tend to find myself taking much longer to write each chapter. An average story would normally take 1-2 weeks for me to write, but chapter 4 actually took about 2 months from conception to publishing. For chapter 3 I actually wiped out over a thousand words after letting it mull for a couple of weeks upon realizing it wasn't going where it needed to. No other story have I had to do severe editing like this. Perhaps I've just set lofty goals for this series, but with some of the feedback it feels like people are rather attached to this couple so it does sometimes make me think a little longer on what I plan to do with the characters.

Just kind of a glimpse of the thinking that goes into the stories. Honestly I probably spend more time thinking than actually writing, trying to sort out just how a character would approach a situation and how to have them react to experiences. That and loads of research, as I get further into writing I've been finding myself doing more research on a variety of topics. But for now, I think I need to head back into doing some more Goth research. Happy reading!

New Chapter posted!

The fourth chapter of "Shelley's Not a She" has been posted to Literotica! You can check it out here:

This story is an ongoing story about a MtF transsexual and her male lover exploring her sexuality and opening her to the wider world of sex. Along the way she is learning to accept herself and deal with the realities of some of the things in life that she will have to face.