Smashwords and ARe update

I just finished uploading the last three chapters of the Shelley series, Resort, Cabin, and Halloween, to both Smashwords and ARe. That puts almost all of my books on Amazon, Smashwords, and ARe, with the exception of Witches Brew, which is still on Kindle Unlimited until June. About then I will transfer that over to Smashwords and ARe as well. 

The second anthology I did with The Cabin, Erotica After Midnight, will also be coming to Smashwords and ARe. That will most likely occur within the next two weeks. 

I will also be releasing a standalone copy of my story, Tryst in the Trail Shelter, from the anthology Hot Summer Reads onto Amazon, Smashwords, and ARe, later this week. It will retail for $0.99.